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Hazard Emergency Management International can provide a range of client specific service solutions.

Risk Assessments

Conducting effective Risk Assessment can be undervalued by businesses when the business owners don't have the skills or training to understand the importance of effective Risk Assessment in the workplace. Under the model WHS Act and Regulations it states; "Those who have a duty to ensure health and safety, achieve it by eliminating health and safety risks, so far as is reasonably practicable. We strongly encourage business to strive to go beyond minimum compliance"

Hazard Emergency Management International can assist with the successful Risk Assessment of your workplace to identify, assess and control your risks.

Safe Work Australia. 2018. Identify, access and control hazards. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2018].

Safety Management System Design & Implementation

It is essential for the success of any business regardless of size to have an effective Safety Management System (SMS) in place. The SMS provides a structured, systematic approach to the management of risk within the business. By integrating the SMS into your business rather than having it as an isolated system your business can achieve:

- Improved efficiencies across all business units

- Improved safety performance (Injury, illness & positive reporting culture)

- Staff satisfaction

- Sound corporate image to clients & industry

Hazard Emergency Management International can design and implement a specific solution to your individual business.

WHS/OHS Compliance Audit

The Australian and New Zealand standard 4801 specifically outlines an orgnisation’s requirements to meet standards to comply with their State or Territory’s legislation and is the best practice standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS). It applies to hazards and risks that an organisation is able to control or have influence on by way of policies, audits, risk assessments and documentation.

A Safety Management System that complies with AS/NZ 4801 allows you to provide a safe and secure workplace within your organisation by:
• identifying and minimising hazards
• reducing the risk of incidents and injuries
• reducing legal action for compensation claims and liability claims
• providing due diligence evidence should an incident or accident occur

Conducting a workplace audit against ASNZ 4801 can indicate where you stand under the ISO Standard and provide guidance on areas of improvement leading into a full ASNZ 4801 certification. Regardless of your intention to obtain certification conducting an audit against the standard shows employees and all levels of management a serious commitment to safety in the workplace. Hazard Emergency Management International can facilitate a workplace audit and provide clear guidance on both positive and negative aspects of your position.

Hazardous Substances

Hazardous Substances and Dangerous Materials Management Plans are the best practice format for understanding your risk and how to effectively manage the risk associated with HAZMAT . Conversely in the demolition industry a Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Survey must be undertaken to identify and remove hazardous materials so that workers and in some cases the general public will not be exposed to hazardous materials such as:

  • Airborne asbestos fibres

  • Lead dust

  • Ozone Depleting Substance

  • Fuel Storage facilities

  • Synthetic mineral fibres (SMF)

  • Polychlorinated biphenyl’s (PCBs)

Under clause 1.6 in AS 2601 a hazardous materials survey must be undertaken prior to demolition work. Even if an asbestos audit or HAZMAT survey has been completed recently it is important that a pre-demolition survey is also undertaken as many hazardous materials can be found hidden within the building causing exposure to workers and subsequent delays to work.

Hazardous Materials reviews involve a systematic approach to:​

  • Identify hazardous materials

  • Assess the risk of hazardous materials

  • Control the risk of exposure to hazardous materials

  • Remove the hazardous materials

  • Safely transport and dispose of hazardous materials

  • Meet legislative requirements in your state or territory

Depending on your location within Australia or New Zealand you may have different obligations under the Act / Legislation within your region. If you are in any doubt about what your obligations are please contact us for a confidential conversation.

Off-shore Aviation
Helideck & Heliport Safety

Off-shore Helicopters operate in high-risk environments with the helicopter landing pad the only available fit for purpose facility to safely land off-shore. Aircrew fly hundreds of flights daily to various types of off-shore platforms within the Australian area of operations and around the world in all types of weather. Furthermore, off-shore helicopter operations present a number of issues which are not present when operating over land, such as:

  • Offshore operations are often conducted in adverse weather.

  • Winds are generally stronger over water than over land, thus making the helicopter harder to control.

  • Higher chance of ditching – many system malfunctions have the potential to result in a ditching.

  • VTOL capabilities are usually limited to helipads, which restricts one of the main inherent helicopter advantages.

  • Autorotation (which can otherwise be a very helpful safety feature) offers limited benefits compared to onshore situations.

  • Harsh conditions in water can easily cause a helicopter to capsize in the event of ditching.

  • Destroyed or disabled safety and or rescue systems reduce the chances of survivors being saved.

  • Most fatalities are caused by drowning as occupants are often unable to evacuate the helicopter in time.

With recent advances in helicopter design and operating weights, It is essential that aircrew and passengers are provided fit for purpose landing helidecks and helipads appropriate to the type of helicopter landing that meet approved standards. Additionally, the supply and use of appropriate life saving equipment and support systems need to be fit for purpose. HEM International is able to  facilitate  inspections and auditing to ensure best practice safety standards for aircrew and passengers. Aviation Safety is critical  when operating to and from platforms, equipment must be serviceable and facilities on platforms fit for purpose. HEM International can provide a comprehensive & integrative emergency management site-specific solution to ensure your compliance with relevant CASA, CAP 437, ICAO Annex 14 and OPITO Guidelines in isolation or as part of a more comprehensive safety & emergency response audit.




Created by Wix in partnership with HEM International 2018.

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