Providing Safety & Emergency Management Consulting Services to the:
Maritime, Mining, Oil & Gas, HAZMAT, Offshore Aviation & Marine Construction Sectors

News & Events:
Order of Malta, Timor-Leste Creating Young Leaders Program Sponsorship August 2021
Creating Leaders is an Order of Malta scholarship program in Timor-Leste. The Scholarships support underprivileged children to participate in formal continuing education.
Creating Leaders aims to assist children in the program, develop to their full potential and prepare them for taking a fundamental role in the leadership of their country, so that they become positive agents of change and progress.
Like many developing countries, Timor-Leste has high levels of poverty and low national human development. Education is an important vehicle to employment, independence, social and political empowerment and consequently, national development. However, a cycle of poverty often creates barriers to the children’s participation in education.
The Creating Leaders scholarship provides not only the payment of school fees, but other assistance and support to help overcome these barriers.
Walking kilometres to school, barefoot and in 35 degree heat can impact the children’s performance and attendance. The scholarship provides the children with their uniforms (including shoes) and transportation to and from school to remove this barrier.
Children can be faced with a choice between finding work to pay for food or attending school. The scholarship covers the costs of school meals, where those costs are not met by the State.
CJ & HEM International a proud to sponsor three children in need while looking towards future funding to support an increasing need.
Safety at Sea and basic survival knowledge: - July 2021
What will you find in the SOLAS manual:
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 describes the requirement for all merchant ship of any flag state to comply with the minimum safety norms laid down in the chapters which are as follows:
Chapter I – General Provisions: Surveys and certification of all the safety items etc are included.
Chapter II-1 – Construction – Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations: Deals with watertight integrity of the ship, especially for passenger vessel.
Chapter II-2 – Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction: This chapter elaborates the means and measure for fire protection in accommodation, cargo spaces and engine room for the passenger, cargo and tanker ship.
Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements: All the life-saving appliances and there use in different situations is described.
Chapter IV – Radio communications: Includes requirements of GMDSS, SART, EPIRB etc for cargo and passenger vessel.
Chapter V – Safety of navigation: This chapter deals with all the seagoing vessels of all sizes, from boats to VLCCs, and includes passage planning, navigation, distress signal etc.
Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes: This chapter defines the storage and securing of different types of cargo and containers, but does not include oil and gas cargo.
Chapter VII – Carriage of dangerous goods: Defines the International Maritime Goods Code for storage and transportation of dangerous goods.
Chapter VIII – Nuclear ships: The code of safety for a nuclear-propelled ship is stated in this chapter.
Chapter IX – Management for the Safe Operation of Ships: The International Safety Management Code for ship owner and the operator is described clearly.
Chapter X – Safety measures for high-speed craft: safety code for the high-speed craft is explained.
Chapter XI-1 & 2– Special measures to enhance maritime safety: Special and enhanced survey for safe operation, other operational requirements and ISPS code is briefed in this chapter.
Chapter XII – Additional safety measures for bulk carriers: Includes safety requirement for above 150 meters length bulk carrier.
Why is behaviour based safety so important - June 2021:
Behaviour underpins everything we do from the moment we get up in the morning to the moment we get into bed. Every worker is an important link in the chain to successful safety outcomes in the workplace. So lead by example, follow your policies and procedures, recognise good safety behaviours when you see them and promote a positive reporting culture that follows through with people focused solutions. Your people are your biggest asset so ask their advise when trying to solve a safety issue.
Christmas 2020: Ronald MacDonald House Donation helps Kids in time of need:
The yearly Christmas fun bag donation of chocolates, toys & candy was well received with an unexpected influx of kids into the Randwick House due to the bush fires. With 19 kids and their families in the house for Christmas Day the bags were well received by kids and their families. Thank you to the great staff at Ronald MacDonald House for their kind assistance on the day unloading the car. See you at Easter for for yearly choc bunny run.
Aerial Search Rescue Asia Pacific Conference Melbourne February 2019:
This conference was a very well organised and relevant event. Speakers from Australia, PNG, Maldives, New Zealand and Europe attended with thought provoking topics which provided great insight into the challenges of agencies around the world. Delegates were also given rare insight into the AMSA Challenger jet capability and the complexity of aerial search and rescue in Antarctica.
Article Published in UK Institute of Civil Defence and Emergency Management London
An article on off-shore helicopter safety and the advances in off-shore emergency safety was published in Dec 2018. The article written by CJ Manjarres-Wahlberg has provided an interesting insight into off-shore helicopter operations in Australia and the significant challenges faced by helicopter crews compared to those in Europe.
CJ Manjarres-Wahlberg Completes Lloyds Lead Auditor Course:
In November 2018, OHSE Specialist "CJ" completed the Lloyed's of London ISO 9001 Lead Auditors course and has subsequently been listed on the Lloyd's auditors register.
HEM International Joins HeliOff-Shore:
HEMI is proud to announce that it has joined HeliOff-Shore the oldest and most respected industry leader in off-shore Aviation safety.. The organisation brings together helicopter operators, users and industry experts in an effort to improve helicopter safety worldwide through collaboration, research and implementation of industry best practice standards.
HEM International signs Corporate Social Responsibility partnership with Integrated Project Solutions:
In a very positive move for both HEM International (HEMI) and Integrated Project Solutions (IPS) the two companies have entered into a long term agreement to jointly support Ronald MacDonald House, Opportunity International, Careflight NSW & UNICEF. With the increasing need for support within the community, this is a positive step towards being responsible community members.
Leading Indicator for Safety Performance:
Measuring safety performance can be done in several ways. But what is the best way to measure safety that not only records your statistics but measures how effective your doing at preventing future incidents in the workplace?
Lagging Indicators:
In the world of safety, a lagging indicator measures incidents in the form of a past statistic.
Examples of lagging indicators:
Injury frequency and severity
Lost time
Worker’s compensation costs
Leading Indicators:
They are measurements of safety events or behaviours that occur pre incident. And it is their predictive nature that provide actionable data that forward-thinking businesses can use to improve future safety performance. That is, an improvement in your lead indicators should result in an improvement in your lag indicators.
Examples of leading indicators:
Safety training
Employee Competencies
Opportunities identified and corrected
Reduction of risk factors
Employee perception surveys
Safety audits
The effective incorporation of lead indicators into a system can drive the identification and elimination/control of key risks in the workplace. In order to implement them successfully, lead indicators should be:
Easy to communicate
Generally, a combination of both lagging and leading indicators is the best way to reduce risks in the workplace. But starting to incorporate more leading indicators into your safety management will leave you better positioned to anticipate, prevent or eliminate risks and losses, monitor and evaluate performance, and motivate safe behaviour among workers.
SAFE WORK AUSTRALIA Release Psychological Health & Safety Guide:
The new guidance material is intended for both employers and workers, and describes a systematic and practical approach to managing work-related psychological health and safety.
Poor psychological safety costs Australian organisations $6 billion in lost productivity a year, primarily because psychological injuries typically require 3x more time off work than other injuries. Additionally, workplaces with poor psychological working conditions accrue 43 per cent more sick days per month.